Hotel crochet

Hi guys, I’ve been spending a few nights in hotels this last week, the good thing with that is I get our uninterrupted crochet time!  

I’ve managed to finish my Little box of crochet for this month, I’m so please with it, and there is so much yarn left over!!

The yearn is so cute, and there’s so much left, I could of made at least three more, but it’s my daughters 13th birthday next Friday, a day later we fly out to Florida, so she’s having a few friends over from school, I’ve decided to hire an inflatable nightclub for the garden, and we’re going to put the tent up, and turn it into a mini festival called glastonabby!

I’ve said I will make some flowery hippy style headbands, using the left over yarn, I’ve made a start

And some bunting, then hang fairy lights inside the tent, hopefully they’ll have a fab time and she won’t be running around inside the house ha ha!!

Emma mystery blanket block 6 is due out this morning, so I’m looking forward to seeing what that will look like.

I also have a very good work friend who flies out to Dubai in September, her birthday is end of august, so I between my Emma blanket and my lillypond blanket, I’ve started making her a beach bag out of James c Brett noodle yarn, only just started it, but hopefully she’ll like it it!

Anyway, off to work 😞
Happy hooking!  X

Work, crochet, work, work

I’ve been a little quiet lately on here, busy with work and not so much crochet, the only saving grace is that I’ve had a few nights away with work in hotels, which means I get pure uninterrupted crochet time.

I find nothing nicer than relaxing on a bed and crocheting, whilst watching big brother ha!

Anyway this week is week 5 of the Emma blanket, and the block is lovely, I’m in the Facebook page for it, and I’ve got to admit I’ve found some people on there rather negative, ive only posted one picture of my block on there, I had a few nice comments, but then a few from people telling me how to improve my block, to be honest I shared it because I was pleased with it, if I wanted feedback I would of asked, there also seems to be a lot of people moaning on there about one or two errors, bone of which I have noticed to be fair!

Anyway week 5 

I’m really looking forward to seeing how they will all join together, so far I’m really enjoying the whole CAL, so much so I’ve ordered another!

I’ve ordered stylecraft lily pond blanket in cherry blossom, and I cannot wait for it to come, the pattern is fairly hefty so i may have to start it after my holiday, but here it is and isn’t it gorgeous?!

My daughter is so excited as it will go in her bedroom, my Emma blanket will be out by until I get my new sofa, which is a black corner suite but I think the Emma blankets colours of dark and light greys, purple, lilac and jade will go nicely with it.

Best of all…..its Little box of crochet day!!!!

I had to go and pick my parcel up from the post office, and could not wait to open it

Oh my!!!! It was full of treats!! Not just one item to make, there’s two! And look at what is inside

Just stunning, even little stickers to put on all of my empty boxes to label them and use them for bits, these beautiful Sheepjes balls are just stunning have a look at this 

Just way too cute for words! 

Anyway, after a mega busy week with work I’m off to get my crochet on!

Happy hooking X 

All crocheted out!

I’ve been so busy! In my last post I posted about my Deramores Emma blanket mystery cal, my yarn arrived and I was 3 weeks behind.

I have actually caught up already!! Block  4 was issued today, I’m desperate to find out what it will look like when it all comes together, but I suppose that’s what the mystery is! 

Block 1

The colours are just lovely, although patterns aren’t written amazingly, anyway I had to crochet 8 of these in total and thoroughly enjoyed the colour changes, although the stitch stayed the same.

Block 2

How gorgeous is this?! I’ve never crocheted a block from the corner out before, always started from the middle, at first when I started I couldn’t figure out how it was going to come together but after 4 blocks I crocheted the other 12 (16 in total) without using the pattern, go me!!

Block 3

A pretty one, again all using the same stitch, from the middle out, 16 of these 8 in emails green and 8 in most, I just finished these this morning when block 4 came out.

Block 4

Now this one is a right fiddly bugger!  Middle out again but with a mixture of DC, HDC and trebles, it’s fiddly and the pattern is written very well but they look nice, however this week we’ve only got 4 to make!

Anyway I gave up on Mr. H making my blocking board and bought this beauty!!

How stunning is this! I’ve just blocked block  1 and block 3 but block 2 will have to wait far too much to weave in at the mo!

Happy hooking! X